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5. June – 6. June 2025
Sofia, Bulgaria
BG National Agency - Human resource development centre
Registration deadline: 20. April 2025

This two-day international conference is aimed at creating synergies between exciting strategies, programmes and plans for youth empowerment toward meaningful participation and consolidating the efforts of practitioners and policy makers in the domain.


Objectives of the Conference

  • To explore the common understanding of meaningful youth participation in democratic life and examine methods, tools and approaches on how to enhance it in the context of local youth work policy;
  • To provide an overview of the existing national and international practices in the field of youth participation and reflecting on how to strengthen and further develop them
  • To understand how Europe Goes Local (European Charter of Local Youth Work)  tools can support reflection and further development of youth work practices.
  • To stimulate knowledge-sharing and create favorable conditions for future collaborations;
  • To examine how Erasmus+ (Youth Participation Projects) can contribute to the development of youth participation in local governance.


The conference will include some 100 participants from national and European level with the following profiles:

  • Municipal representatives and officers who are responsible for youth work policy-development and implementation;
  • Representatives of national and international youth work organizations who are engaged in creating youth work policy;
  • Youth workers engaged in youth participation and community development;
  • Young people from participatory structures ( youth councils, advisory boards, other).


During the event will be applied approaches central for the non-formal education and experiential learning. The event will be in a hybrid format include:

  • Panel discussions with stakeholders, experts and practitioners;
  • Workshops and reflections based on Europe Goes Local ( European Charter on Local Youth work) tools;
  • Knowledge exchange and networking among participants to enhance youth work practices.

Accommodation and food

The hosting NA - HRDC of this offer will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food during the duration of the Conference. 


Participating countries

Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

Working language


Participation fee

This seminar is organized by the Bulgarian National Agency - HRDC of the European youth programmes. They will organise board and lodging and cover related costs for participants, except for National Agency staff (board and lodging need to be covered by NA). HRDC does not require any contribution. 

Travel reimbursement

Travel reimbursement

Please contact your NA or SALTO in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.

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