YouSport - Inclusion Round Table
The activity explores the power of social sport as a tool for social inclusion. It will provide an opportunity to network, learn from others’ practice and the potential of social sport to enhance social cohesion
As part of the training and cooperation activities (TCA) of the Erasmus+ Youth Programme, the Italian National Agency of the Erasmus+IYOUTH Programme (Agenzia Italiana per la Gioventù - AIG) is organising the activity “YouSport Inclusion Round Table”. This activity represents a unique opportunity for youth workers and sports practitioners, researchers and policy makers working in the youth and/or sports sector to come together.
The activity explores the power of social sport as a tool for social inclusion. This event aims to bridge local experiences with international perspectives, fostering collaborations between sports and youth work at both local and international levels. Together, we will delve into the potential of social sport to enhance social cohesion. It will provide an opportunity for participants to network, build a community, learn from others’ practice, and to influence strategy of the European Youth Programmes in this area.
- To explore the existing connections and strengths of youth work and non-formal education linking to sport, looking how to integrate what is valuable from the other sector.
- To identify gaps or needs of the field, to look at what resources or support could be needed, to feed into the strategy of the YouSports SNAC long term activity plan for 2026 onwards.
- To explore inclusion as a concept, as the main priority theme of the Erasmus+ programme, to then explain to others the (potential) impact of social sport as a tool for (more) inclusive youth work.
- To explore the European dimension as an added value for social sport, including potential links to other upcoming international activities
- To share publications, tools and good practices
Up to 24 participants, with a balanced mix of stakeholders. We will give priority to those coming from one of the 13 YouSports NA Partner countries (Austria, Belgium FL, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Türkiye). If you come from other Programme countries, and have the appropriate profile, you will also be considered for participation.
- Those interested in reaching out and exploring the link between youth + sport (not formal education) with experience in European projects:
- Youth work practitioners that have expertise using sport as a tool for inclusion with young people
- Sports practitioners with expertise in grass roots social sport, using sport with intention for inclusion or developing social skills
- Researchers / academics, with a focus on how sport can be tool for non-formal education for inclusion.
- Inclusion experts, with an understanding of youth work/non-formal education, and using sport as a tool for inclusion.
- Policy makers, from local/regional level, with an interest in social sport for inclusion with young people.
All the hosting costs and expences are covered by the Italian NA (AIG) through the funds of the E+YOUTH Programme and the activity is orgainsed under the framework of the strategic long term cooperation among E+IYOUTH National Agencies in the Sport sector (SNAC YouSPorts) coordinated by the French NA.
Accommodation and food
Italian National Agency will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food.
Participating countries
Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries
Working language
Participation fee
This project is financed by the participating National Agencies (NAs) of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
Travel reimbursement
Please contact your NA or SALTO in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.