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Building sustainable future

2. April – 10. April 2025
Dobczyce/Kraków, Poland
Fundacja Młodzi dla Europy
Anmeldefrist: 23. Februar 2025

This training course is designed to enhance the competencies of educators in guiding youth-led initiatives that promote sustainability awareness with innovative methodologies and creative tools (e.g. Lego Serious Play, Design Thinking).


This training course was made upon request of the partners involved who deal with the complexity of issues related to sustainability and environmental education, support of local community development towards more sustainable practices, lack of qualitative educational initiatives in the field as well as need to reach inclusion groups in the fight against climate change. The program aims to strengthen young people's sustainability competencies and contribute to the development of greener local communities.

-to learn new creative tools to support the development and mentoring of youth -led initiatives ( such as Lego Serious Play, design thinking).
-to share realities in the local communities of educators and reflect on the challenges young people face related to climate change, environmental education and sustainability competences
-to reflect on possible ways to support active participation of young people in community development activities related to sustainability and environmental protection
-to empower youth educators to think in innovative ways of approaching sustainability related topics and develop creative solutions to increase the impact and efficiency of youth-led initiatives focusing on developing sustainability competencies among young people
-to discover personal challenges related to environmental education and work on dilemmas linked to sustainability-related topics and issues

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

All costs related to accomodation, meals, coffee breaks, training materials will be cover by the hosting organization.

Teilnehmende Länder

Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries



No participation fee


up to 99km: 36 euro
100-499km: 191 euro
500km+: 289 euro

Transportation from/to Kraków will be provided by organizers.

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