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Fostering Inclusion in Youth Work: Empowering Diverse Voices for a Brighter

22. November – 28. November 2024
Craiova, Romania
Anmeldefrist: 8. Oktober 2024

The aim is to promote inclusivity and diversity within the youth sector by equipping youth workers, group leaders, and young participants with the skills, knowledge, and tools to create more inclusive environments.


The aim of the project "Fostering Inclusion in Youth Work: Empowering Diverse Voices for a Brighter Future" is to promote inclusivity and diversity within the youth sector by equipping youth workers, group leaders, and young participants with the skills, knowledge, and tools to create more inclusive environments. This will ensure that all young people, regardless of their background, are empowered to actively participate, contribute, and thrive in youth projects and community initiatives.
1.Raise Awareness of Diversity and Inclusion:

  • To foster understanding of the challenges faced by marginalized and underrepresented youth groups.
  • To highlight the importance of inclusion and diversity in youth work and its impact on community well-being.

2.Develop Inclusive Practices:

  • To equip youth workers and leaders with effective strategies and tools to create inclusive programs and activities that cater to diverse groups of young people.
  • To explore innovative approaches to overcoming barriers that prevent full participation in youth activities.

3.Empower Youth to Advocate for Inclusion:

  • To provide youth participants with opportunities to engage in discussions and workshops on inclusivity, enabling them to become ambassadors for inclusion within their communities.
  • To develop leadership and advocacy skills among youth, empowering them to promote inclusive values.

4.Enhance Cross-Cultural Understanding:

  • To foster intercultural dialogue among participants from diverse backgrounds, encouraging mutual understanding and respect.
  • To create a safe space for young people to share their experiences and challenges regarding inclusion in their respective communities.

5.Encourage Active Participation of Underrepresented Youth:

  • To ensure that young people from marginalized communities (e.g., ethnic minorities, LGBTQ+ youth, differently-abled youth) are actively engaged in the project and feel a sense of belonging.
  • To work on strategies for reducing social exclusion and increasing access to opportunities for all youth.

6.Strengthen Collaboration and Networking:

  • To create a platform for youth workers, leaders, and participants to exchange best practices and collaborate on initiatives promoting inclusion.
  • To establish a sustainable network of youth inclusion ambassadors who continue to support and advocate for inclusive practices in their respective regions.

Participant Profile:

  • Age: 18+
  • Roles: Youth worker, teacher, youth ambassador, or similar roles focused on youth engagement.
  • Career Stage: Exploring career options, seeking personal and professional growth, and eager to develop essential skills for their future career paths.
  • Interest Areas:
  • Social inclusion of youth, particularly marginalized or underrepresented groups.
  • Community development and social impact.
  • Active participation in initiatives that foster equal opportunities for all young people.
  • Skills & Growth Goals: Looking to build leadership, communication, and organizational skills that will enhance their ability to influence positive change within their community.
  • Community Role: Equipped to act as a multiplier by disseminating results, sharing knowledge, and fostering social inclusion initiatives in their local communities.
  • Values: Committed to promoting youth participation, diversity, and social cohesion through their work and interactions.

Interested caldidates can write at andctr@yahoo.ro for more information.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Accommodation will be provided in double rooms (same sex/room) at 3* Hotel Euphoria.

3 Meals per day and 2 coffe breaks will be provided at the same venue. 

Teilnehmende Länder

Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU




No fee for participantion


Travel costs will be reimboursed based on the maximum budget according to the travel band distance calculator of EACEA Erasmus Plus Program.

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