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MOOCs for youth workers on: sustainability, gender equality and digital youth work!

31. Oktober – 31. Jänner 2025
Online, Spain
Asociación Cazalla Intercultural
Anmeldefrist: 29. Oktober 2024

Cazalla Intercultural is launching new MOOCs on 4 different topics: The Green List - sustainability in international mobilities, No Da Igual - gender equality and peer education, Digital Green - digital youth work and sustainability as a whole concept!


The Green List This course introduces participants to sustainability concepts, encouraging them to reflect on their projects and practices, Each module offers a comprehensive understanding of how youth workers and organisations can create mobility projects that align with sustainability goals. The learning experience is structured across multiple modules, with each one presenting interactive activities, case studies, videos, and theoretical concepts.

Module 1 emphasises social sustainability, introducing participants to key social justice issues like ecofeminism, eco racism, and inclusive environmental decision-making. In Module 2, the focus shifts to environmental sustainability, with the learning objective centred on creating mobility projects that minimise environmental impacts through responsible choices regarding transportation, accommodation, and materials.  Module 3 completes the course by addressing economic sustainability, teaching participants how to manage resources, promote equitable growth, and create long-term value in mobility projects.

The types of activities in the course are highly interactive and reflective, combining theoretical learning with practical application. By taking this course you will engage in concept mapping activities to visually explore the connections between sustainability and mobility projects.

Join here: The Green List

Empowering Youth as Agents of Change for Gender Equality: Join the No Da Igual MOOC!

Do you work with young people? Are you passionate about promoting gender equality?
Do you want to equip yourself with practical tools to create safe and inclusive spaces in your community?

If the answer is yes, then the No Da Igual MOOC is for you!

We are excited to announce the launch of this comprehensive online course, designed to empower youth professionals—including teachers, educators, youth leaders, trainers, and facilitators—to promote gender equality through peer-to-peer learning. This MOOC is part of the No Da Igual project, an initiative co-financed by the European Union and developed by Fundación Plan B Educación Social, Proyecto Kieu, Jóvesolides, and Cazalla Intercultural. The project focuses on combating gender-based violence and discrimination while fostering inclusive, equitable communities for all.

Course Overview: Starting on 18th November 2024, this four-week MOOC offers a practical, engaging learning experience that builds on real-world tools and strategies from the No Da Igual project. The course is designed to help professionals integrate gender mainstreaming into their youth work, creating safe, inclusive environments where young people can thrive and lead as agents of change.

What Will You Learn? Participants will progress through a series of modules that cover:

  • Peer education methodology for gender equality projects.
  • Practical skills for implementing gender mainstreaming in youth activities.
  • Tools to tackle gender stereotypes, intersectionality, and violence.
  • Best practices for creating safe and inclusive spaces for young people.
  • Evaluation techniques to track the impact of gender equality initiatives.

Join here: The No Da Igual Approach

Digital Green

The primary objective of the Digital Green project is to enhance the capabilities of youth workers and educators through the use of innovative digital tools to address the challenges of sustainability and environmental protection.  

The project includes the creation of two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), which will be available for free during and after the project’s completion. The courses will be hosted on the youth-mooc.eu platform, ensuring accessibility across Europe.

MOOC on Digital Tools for Youth Work: This course is designed for youth workers and educators to discover and master the most innovative and relevant digital tools to work effectively with young people in digital environments. It includes modules on:

  • Using digital communication and collaboration platforms like Discord, Twitch, and virtual reality.
  • Creating interactive and dynamic content adapted to online teaching.
  • Gamifying educational activities to maintain youth motivation and engagement.
  • Strategies to adapt in-person workshops to digital formats that encourage participation and remote learning.

MOOC on Environmental Education and Sustainability: This course aims to train educators in integrating environmental education into their activities using digital tools. Topics covered include:

  • Principles of sustainability and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Digital tools for exploring environmental topics such as climate change, biodiversity, and resource management.
  • Methods to engage young people in sustainability projects using technologies like augmented reality and interactive games.
  • Developing workshops and practical activities for young people to become environmental leaders in their communities.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung


Teilnehmende Länder

Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries, Other countries in the world, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU




All courses are free, open and accessible to all



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