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Youth Worker Exchange Candriai, Italy | 13-19 November 2024

13. November – 19. November 2024
Candriai, Italy
Associazione InCo APS
Anmeldefrist: 29. September 2024

The central theme of our project revolves around effectively narrating the European Union to the youth and promoting its values through our work.


What is the project “The future is Europe” about?

"The Future is Europe" project, under the Erasmus+ program, is dedicated to fostering collaboration and sharing best practices among youth workers across Europe. Our mission is clear: to build the Exchange together, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and sharing in our endeavors. The central theme of our project revolves around effectively narrating the European Union to the youth and promoting its values through our work.

Our agenda for the Youth Worker Exchange program prioritizes the creation of a dynamic platform where participants can share their diverse professional experiences within the sector. We aim to recognize and harness individual skills and competencies, empowering each other through engaging non-formal learning activities. These activities will be carefully curated to foster collaboration, reflection, and personal development among participants.

Below you can find the plan of the whole project:

Arrival Day - 13/11: Participants arrive.

Let’s Get to Know Each Other - 14/11: Participants engage in introductory activities to foster connections and share their backgrounds and experiences.

Youth's Perception of EU Workshop - 15/11: Workshops focused on exploring the perspectives of young people on the European Union today.

Exploring EU-connected Realities - 16/11: Visit local initiatives and organizations in Trentino linked to the EU to gain first hand exposure to EU-funded projects and their impact.

Communicating the EU to Young People - 17/11: Workshops and discussions on effective communication strategies for conveying EU-related topics to youth audiences.

Design Thinking for Youth Workshops - 18/11: Engage in a design thinking process to develop innovative workshop ideas aimed at engaging young people with EU themes.

Departure Day - 19/11: Departure from Trentino.

Who can participate?

The project targets youth workers from all over Europe who work closely with young people and the EU topics, such as youth workers, info desk, European foundations or realities etc...

It is mandatory to have at least 1 year of experience as youth worker in order to be able to share good practices and methodologies with other participants

A total of 24 youth workers can take part in this exchange: It is mandatory to have a sending organization with a valid OID. Check here a guide on how to obtain an OID for your organization if interested.

Each organization could send up to 2 participants.

You can find more information about the boarding and the lodging at this link.

To apply you have to fulfill this Application Form.

Unterkunft und Verpflegung

Board and lodging are provided by our organization during the whole youth worker exchange.

The house is located in Candriai, a mountain area nearby Trento. The house is a self-management house with a nice equipped kitchen, a common room and shared bedrooms for 2-3 people. The area is suitable for both outdoor sessions as well as activities in the city.

Teilnehmende Länder

Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries




Youth worker exchanges are part of the European Erasmus+ programmes, no partecipation fee is expected.


Actual travel expenses from the country of residence to the place of exchange will be reimbursed up to the amount indicated by the Youth Worker Exchange programme.

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